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The Patriotic American Shopping Network provides information to help you to evaluate the relative economic contribution of your purchase to the U.S.A. Please see About Us page for more information.


We are always expanding our Product listings, so please try again later if you still cannot find what you are looking for now, and drop us a line at


We provide a more accurate evaluation of this contribution than other shopping sites, based on data obtained from business information vendors and supplemented by direct contact with supply-chain personnel, and this approach is based on U.S. Patent No. 8160936.


However, we rely on this data for our evaluation of each Product that we list, and cannot assume any responsibility for the accuracy of this data. We will downgrade Product Rankings or remove dishonest Companies and their Products from our listings if we believe your complaints are justified. Please contact us so we can do this at if you believe you have been misled.


Thank you for your patronage!




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